Sunday, March 22, 2020

Whoooooo Is Going To Speak Up If We Don't?

Sometimes I feel as startled by life as this owl appears to be. Sadly I have had a few schools have to withdraw from the writing project because managing online education is already causing stress and I assured them that I certainly wouldn't want to add to the anxiety that already abounds. However; having said that, I do want to assure participants that although the project may be changing shape and deadlines become obsolete, it is still running and all are encouraged to dip in and out as they want or need. We have a beautiful world to care for and right now need to care for one another by attending to the common good. So, let us do that. In our ASEF Flipgrid you will find a new grid that asks you to look at how Pink Ribbon Day is run in your countries. You might like to compare what your communities do to raise awareness for breast cancer, a cancer that not only effects women but men also. Wear pink in your videos, respond to one another and support one another by sharing good news stories. You might like to create an awareness info-graphic based upon the information from each country showing how together, by keeping it in the public eye, we can work together. Fundraising may be out of the question right now, but affirmative posts will tell those suffering that they aren't forgotten. The Flipgrid details are in this link and the password is ASEF___4.  (participants know the other numbers).

Taking time out to look at the way life is shifting and the implications of these changes on the SDGs might be a way to give purpose to our days, our fingers and our thoughts. Changing the focus from Covid-19 to other issues can be empowering and quite frankly, liberating. While we cannot go out and advocate for change, we can explore ways that we might improve the lot of others; anticipate what new needs might be anticipated and met. Perhaps those who are digitally literate could make apps, stop motion videos, cartoons. Adobe have so many wonderful tools for building in creativity. Google also has so many applications that can support creative responses to be shared. Google Slides make great comics. Perhaps creating resources for young children to help them handle the situation we are currently in might be a possible project. Make sure that the outcomes you create are life giving and hope filled. There is an ebb and flow in all things and this situation will pass. Teaching young children the importance of good hygiene, safe distances and considerate behaviour will have implications for SDG3. Teaching little people about not sharing food utensils, spooning food onto their plate rather than eating from the same plate as others will help them understand that they too can make a difference. Small things can leave large legacies.

I am creating a Book Creator book to collaborate on and will put the link in Write the World. Let us use this time to build our knowledge, our skills, our relationships, our resilience and our hope for the future because together we can write our way to a better world.

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