Saturday, January 4, 2020

Writing Our Way To A Better World

“At its essence, sustainability means ensuring prosperity and environmental protection without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. A sustainable world is one where people can escape poverty and enjoy decent work without harming the earth’s essential ecosystems and resources; where people can stay healthy and get the food and water they need; where everyone can access clean energy that doesn’t contribute to climate change; where women and girls are afforded equal rights and equal opportunities.”
UN Secretary-General Ban-Ki Moon 

The idea of having young writers engage with the Global Sustainability Goals really appeals to me. Perhaps it is because I teach in a Catholic college where the Catholic Social Teachings are integral to my daily practice, perhaps it is because of an inherent desire to see fair access to the natural resources we have become stewards of, or perhaps I have finally found my voice and a vehicle to help raise awareness in a meaningful way beyond my classroom and beyond the curriculum. I am not sure. I do know that through the Asia-Europe Foundation, and with Maria Silva, a teacher from Portugal, I am going to build resources and experiences that will hopefully inspire our young writers to; participate in making a difference, persuade others to pay attention through their debates,poems, slam poems, stories, articles, letters and lyrics. They will be able to act and curate their actions so that they can see how far they have come, not only in their writing, but in their thinking and delivery. Writing should be passionate, joy-filled, shared and make meaning of the world we inhabit. With the use of the Erasmus E-Twinning platform and a number of applications such as Google Earth, GSuite, Flipgrid, Write the World, Adobe Spark, Online Voice Recorder among others, students will collaborate on areas they are interested in. They will see one another, listen and respond and build cultural understanding and a broader view of the world. 

I don't want to set many expectations, I want to see where young minds take their inspiration and apply it. We are currently designing the project and you will find regular updates as the project progresses.You might be interested in participating or simply observing the journey. Either way, wish us luck. This blog will also be embedded in my website where you will find resources and more information about the project.

“Be a global citizen. Act with passion and compassion. Help us make this world safer and more sustainable today and for the generations that will follow us. That is our moral responsibility.”

You can also follow the journey on Twitter @BentleyJuliette

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